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The Mantra Of A Luminary

About Sanders Maurice Foulke III, AAS, the founder of Epiphany-Barrage.

"For you the sun will no longer be a light by day, nor will the shining of the moon give you light, for Jehovah will become to you an eternal light, and your God will be your beauty. No more will your sun set nor will your moon wane, for Jehovah will become for you an eternal light, and the days of your mourning will have ended." —Isaiah 60: 19, 20 (New World Translation Study Edition)


My prime objective? To edify, embolden, empower, enspirit, and inspire others. I aim to do this through our commonalities: instrumentality, musicality, artistry, theatricality, whimsicality, perspicacity, erudition, creativity, philosophy, spirituality.

Let the content conglomerated on this page strike a chord within your soulscape. These links, videos, and art embody a cosmos encompassed. Every work is a dreamscape, a star, fulminant with the hope of creation & lovelight.

When your world fails to provide you cathexis, a nexus, to your highest divine, look to this portal as your muse. Let this be your nexus to transcendence. Every abstraction, every word, every reverberation, every soundscape, and every creation under the firmaments is a transcendent boon. —Se' lah.






Mantra Of A Luminary (Bio): Bio
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